San Joaquin County Office of Education - EDJOIN Portal

Aromas San Juan Unified School District

2300 San Juan Highway   San Juan Bautista, CA   95045

The Aromas San Juan Unified School District is located in San Benito County with schools in San Juan Bautista and Aromas. We are 30 minutes north of Monterey and south of Santa Cruz. ASJUSD is the only unified PK-12 collaborative learning community with a clear scope and sequence in academic and enrichment areas in San Benito County. Our TK-8 schools are multi-age communities, valuing the important developmental stages of children who learn together and from each other. We are a small sized learning community that is inclusive, responsive and agile to meet the needs of all students, giving them voice and agency to partner with us in their education. We partner with our families and our community as we celebrate our diverse and rich culture, language, and customs. We seek to equip students to be multilingual, using languages of literacy and numeracy to make sense of the world and to recognize their responsibility to give back through service learning. We believe it is important that students have the joy of learning, through exploration and experiential learning. We invite you to join us on our journey toward getting better. Excellence is our goal and we intend to be transparent about the progress we are making toward being a District of Distinction!

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